
First Batch of Acceptances

We’ve accepted the first batch of applicants to THATCamp New England 2010. If you applied before July, you should have received an e-mail letting you know that you’ve been accepted, and another with login details for this site. If you applied and haven’t been accepted yet, don’t worry. We’ll accept the next batch in early August.

You can see who is coming to THATCamp New England on the list of attendees. Get on that list by applying here.

Watch this blog in the coming weeks for posts about discussion topics at THATCamp.


THATCamp Ground Rules

Tom Scheinfeldt of CHNM has published a list of three THATCamp ground rules on his blog. If you want an introduction to the ethos of THATCamp, read his post.


Applications Now Open

We’re now accepting applications to THATCamp New England and to BootCamp—the educational camp within a camp. We hope you’ll join us at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston on November 13–14, 2010. Please take a minute to read about THATCamp and BootCamp, then apply.

Once you’ve applied, please consider getting involved in helping and promoting THATCamp New England.

Thanks for applying, and look for your acceptance e-mail soon!


Help Organize THATCamp New England

If you’re interested in helping to organize THATCamp New England, or if you want to listen in to the organization process, please join us at our new Google Group. More details are available at that link.

As always, you can check out our Get Involved page, which will soon be updated with more information.


Welcome to the Website!

Welcome to the website of THATCamp New England. A group of digital humanists from around New England are planning to put together a series of unconferences about digital humanities. These camps will be part of the THAT [The Humanities and Technology] Camp network that started at the Center for History and New Media and is now spreading into many regional camps.

The first THATCamp New England will be held at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, November 13/14, 2010. We’re actively working out the details, so please watch this space or the Twitter stream for more information.


Organizing Crew

Many thanks to the organizing crew for getting THAT Camp New England off the ground. We hope to host a camp at different schools around New England each fall and spring. Here is the group who has been involved so far:

Steve Lubar
Brown University
Twitter Id: @lubar

Adam Lipkin
Brandeis University
Twitter Id: @Yendi

Heather Prescott
Twitter Id: @hmprescott

Lincoln Mullen
Brandeis University
Twitter Id: @lincolnmullen

Jon Berndt Olsen
UMASS Amherst
Twitter Id: @jonberndtolsen

Amanda Watson
Connecticut College
Twitter Id:@amndw2

Shane Landrum
Brandeis University
Twitter Id: @cliotropic

Tom Rushford

Stephanie Cheney
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Twitter id: @scheney

Amanda French
Twitter Id: @amandafrench

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