About BootCamp

THAT Camp New England is pleased to offer a digital humanities BootCamp on the first day of THATCamp. This will consist of four educational, hands-on sessions on how to use technology in the humanities.

BootCamp Sessions

The session topics have not yet been finalized but workshop topics will be similar to the following:

  • Text Encoding Fundamentals
  • Digitisation Fundamentals
  • Transcribing and Describing Primary Sources
  • Multimedia: Design for Visual, Auditory, and Interactive Electronic Environments
  • Geographical Information Systems in the Digital Humanities
  • Using Omeka As a Digital Archive for Researchers and Librarians

Mellon Micro-Fellowships for BootCamp

Through generous funding from the Mellon Foundation, we are able to offer micro-fellowships in the amount of $500 to four individuals who participate in all the BootCamp sessions and write a brief report/evaluation.

The four micro-fellowships, which are to be used for travel expenses, will be awarded to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or pre-tenure faculty who clearly plan to pursue further digital work, who clearly have the potential to learn useful lessons at BootCamp, and, most importantly, who are pursuing independent research that will clearly benefit from digital methods.

You can indicate that you would like to be considered for a BootCamp fellowship on the THATCamp New England application.

Teach a BootCamp Session

If you are interested in teaching one of the BootCamp sessions, we’d be glad to hear from you. You can indicate your interest on the THATCamp New England application. Or, if you’ve already applied or want more time to think about it, feel free to e-mail us at . We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

See the topics above for possible sessions that you might teach. Another great source for ideas is the course listing from the Digital Humanities Summer Institute.

Thanks again to the generosity of the Mellon Foundation, we are able to offer four $250 honoraria for BootCamp instructors.

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