

Nov 11

Dork Shorts: Get Ready Now

One of the plenary sessions this weekend will be dedicated to what we call “dork shorts.” The idea is simple: anyone who wants gets two minutes to introduce a project that he or she is working on. That’s two (2) minutes as in 120 seconds, not two minutes as in ten minutes. You’ll have the use of a web browser projected on screen, and that’s it. It’s a great way to get a quick look at a lot of projects.

If you’re interested, leave a comment below, or sign up on Saturday morning. We’ll have as many presentations as we have time, first come, first served.


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  1. Elisabeth Nevins

    I’d be happy to share the prototype website that I project managed/help develop while at the Old North Foundation. It was a partnership with MIT’s Hyperstudio and Myriad Inc. and a whole crew of researchers and funded through a NEH Digital Start-up Grant.

    The prototype is exactly that. A very basic, functional representation of what we hope to do but kind of awkward and without 98% of the bells and whistles that we want. This is my main objective for THATCamp: to come out with a better understanding of what we need to do to pull together all the people with the skills we’ll need to take this to the next level.

  2. Doug Steward

    I would like to receive feedback on how we can make the next edition of the MLA Guide to Doctoral Programs in English and Other Modern Languages more user-friendly, helpful, and born digital while at the same time easing the burden on participating departments when they submit program information.

  3. Konrad

    Would love to share a project I’m calling Prosopa for creating biographical databases.

  4. Lincoln Mullen

    I’m going to share a project I’m calling “American Conversion.” It’s an Omeka database of American conversion relations.

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