

Oct 29

Do Your THATCamp Duty!

To make an unconference like THATCamp New England work, we all have to pull our own weight. That means you have two duties:

Write a session proposal. What we’ll talk about at THATCamp depends on what you propose. Writing out your session proposals in advance is crucial, because we’ll vote on which sessions to hold in first hour of THATCamp on Saturday. So let’s hear your ideas! If you need a model, see these early proposals by Konrad, Boone, Brian, and Lincoln.

Read and comment on others’ proposals. Read the session proposals that other people have written to see what might interest you at THATCamp: you’ll want to be a knowledgeable participant. If there’s a session that particularly interests you, start a discussion on the website. See, for example, the comments that Boone’s post has provoked. You can find all the session proposals here, and you can also subscribe to the RSS feed.

If you need help with doing any of that, send an e-mail to , and we’ll be glad to be of service.

The sooner you publish your session proposals and start discussing them online, the better prepared we will all be. And we might just start building a learning community in advance, which is what THATCamp is all about.

1 comment

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  1. Stephanie Cheney

    Here are some more details about how the schedule will come together:

    On the Saturday morning of the conference, there will be a list of all
    the session proposals. Everyone will be able to vote for their top
    several panels. Then, We’ll take the expression of interest, go into a
    back room, and combine the sessions and put them on a schedule. Then
    the entire conference will quickly take a look, see if we’ve made any
    mistakes, combine more panels if possible, and voila! we have a
    schedule. If that sounds like it won’t work–trust us, it will!

  1. Do your THATCamp Duty! « THATCamp Southeast 2011

    […] (It’s worth acknowledging this post’s indebtedness to Lincoln Mullen’s similar call to arms for THATCamp New England.) […]

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