Comments on: Personal cyberinfrastructure The Humanities and Technology Camp Sat, 13 Apr 2013 12:22:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Matienzo Wed, 10 Nov 2010 05:42:21 +0000 I’m happy to contribute to this discussion, but from a slightly different angle. As an archivist, my duty is to preserve and make available records. An important part of being able to do this is understanding the creator, as well as the context of record creation. Without an adequate understanding of context, I am relatively limited into what I can say or do with these records. Archivists have begun to reach out to people to get a better sense of the processes by which they create records, and the form in which these records exist. In order to ensure access to these records, creators need to get a better sense of their own processes as well.

By: THATCamp New England » Blog Archive Fri, 29 Oct 2010 22:55:41 +0000 […] Saturday. So let’s hear your ideas! If you need a model, see these early proposals by Konrad, Boone, Brian, and […]

By: Karrie Peterson Tue, 26 Oct 2010 14:54:58 +0000 I’m definitely coming to this session. This both overlaps and goes beyond the “digital age literacies” topic I proposed to discuss, and in a very thoughtful and authentic way. I think too often students get “schooled” about their online presence as a negative, warning kind of thing. That’s important but it is really just part of the issue, and I think Boone has described a really great way to help young people think more systematically about the opportunities!

By: Trip Kirkpatrick Wed, 13 Oct 2010 15:49:21 +0000 One aspect that I’d like to see covered in such a session is sustainability. Not the environmental kind, though that is an interesting aspect as well. I’m thinking rather, of the need to prepare students and to learn ourselves of how to think in the long term about this infrastructure. What happens when a Ning goes to a pay model. We can’t all have a Boone B. Gorges to figure out a migration plan for us. We always need to be thinking about maintaining and persisting our own data and work, not relying on the hive mind to do it for us. By extension we need to be able to convey this need to others and to explain how it works.

By: Lincoln Mullen Thu, 07 Oct 2010 01:54:38 +0000 I definitely think there is the making of a session here, Boone. If universities and colleges have a responsibility to prepare citizens, then they have a responsibility to teach online citizenship as well. I’d like to see this session develop a kind of syllabus for personal cyberinfrastructure. The syllabus might list the basic technical skills needed, as well as the pedagogical objectives teachers might have for students.
