Comments on: Converts to Little dh The Humanities and Technology Camp Sat, 13 Apr 2013 12:22:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colin Wilder Thu, 11 Nov 2010 16:50:08 +0000 I’d really like to talk to both of you. I don’t know Python, but have a little programming background from way back (Basic, LISP). As I mention in my session proposal, I am at THATCamp for network analysis (I am a historian). I have built a pretty intricate MS Access database to record all sorts of relationships among people and the books they write. But there are a number of functionalities that I want from my database which I know are doable but which I cannot yet do. In the end I am a historian or humanist and I can’t scrape together the dozens and dozens of hours it will take me to go from medium- to high-level proficiency in Access. And I’m not even sure that Access is the best software to use; Python or something else might be far better. So, let’s talk! I will be there on Saturday and Sunday, but you can also reach me easily at

By: Mark Matienzo Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:03:24 +0000 I’d love to talk about this. There are plenty of archivists and librarians who are asking me how to get started. I’m a moderately proficient programmer, but I lack any formal training. I think it’d be interested to hear what problems folks are trying to solve, as the “itch-to-scratch” problems are often the most fun and rewarding for people to work on as they get started. And kudos on using Python as well. 🙂
